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©2025 EZ GROUP PTY LTD ABN 38 169 397 326 


EZ Group Pty. Ltd. T/As EZ Insurance Services (CAR 460120 | ABN 38 169 397 326) Corporate Authorised representative of Community Broker Network Pty Ltd | AFSL 233750 | ACN 096 916 184

(Current) CBN logo

Community Broker Network Pty Ltd t/as Community Broker Network (CBN) are members of NIBA. As an Authorised Representative of CBN (CAR 460120), we subscribe to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.  
The code is a statement of the industry’s commitment to high levels of competency, training and customer service.  It also ensures that there is a free and transparent complaint and compliance review process which imposes binding sanctions for any breach of the Code.  It is designed to promote better and more professional, informed and effective relationships between insurance brokers and their customers.  To view a copy of the Code, click here.


Compliance Information:

Company address: 


Level 49

10 Darcy Street

8 Parramatta Square

Parramatta NSW 2150

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